Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reviewing the Situation....

“I am the Light of the World. 
Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, 
But will have the Light of Life.” 

Dear Ones,
It seems that we are a little late coming to the party, but we wanted you to know that we were thinking of you throughout 2010, and especially in the Christmas season, when we counted all of our blessings and realized that your friendship is one of our most treasured gifts!
Our Christmas came early with the first visit to SP of our incredible new grandson, Ian Daniel, accompanied by Daddy Matt and Mommy Carol.  They were joined later in the week by my parents and Lexy (3), Josh and Carin. It was lovely! We celebrated everything a day early so that Lexy could be home on Christmas morning - that turned out to be a super plan! When we returned from Christmas Eve worship service, we could just relax!
Lexy helps her Great Grandmother, Nanny, feed her new cousin.

Carin, Lexy, Josh, Papa and Nanny

"The first Noel, the angels did say...."

Storytime with Mommy & Daddy..".mmm is that cinnabuns I smell?"
Our leisurely Christmas day turned into hustle-bustle when the snow forecast changed. By noon we had packed and scattered south (into the snow) and north (out of it.) We (Dan and I, Mom and Dad) spent December 26th in Leesburg enjoying our extended family Christmas with those who could travel. It was particularly fun to meet two of the three new husbands in our family – one from Virginia and one from Tibet!
Meanwhile, back at Smith Point, it looks as though the scripture for 2010-11 should be “Behold, I make all things new.” As soon as the Christmas tree was dismantled, down came the living room ceiling (this was planned!) Preparing for the drywallers was an ordeal – remember that previously I had had professional packers – but was accomplished in record time! Once all the crystal and china was boxed, I asked Dan if we could just move! He said “No, I don’t have orders yet!” So, I am currently working in the kitchen with a plastic cocoon around me – I hope to have a view and a lovely renewed room by February.

Last winter I had half a knee replaced and Dan had “gamma knife surgery” which is non-invasive and fascinatingly high tech. We both are back to “normal,” with me starting Zumba dance classes and Dan designing the next addition and managing the marina.

Anticipating our medical interruptions, we took a quick trip down to the Florida Keys in February for some sunshine therapy....unfortunately, it was the coldest winter ever in the Keys! We stayed with our dear friend/neighbor Barbara in Key Colony Beach, visited the Butterfly Museum (so fun!) and Hemingway’s house in Key West (smelled like cats!) We tried to observe the dolphin feeding at the Research Center - but even the dolphins were too cold! Nevertheless, we still had fun!

Just can't stay away from marinas! - Marathon Key

Barbara West and Dan trying to stay in the sun.

Dolphin Research Center antics
That gecko looks familiar!
He makes all things beautiful in His time!
Don't know the couple....think I jumped the photo-op line!
Home of Ernest Hemingway

This February, we're heading further south in search of warmth and sunshine....Costa Rica!

The spring was filled with family weddings and showers, literally and figuratively.
The way it was rehearsed...
 Lindsay, my brother Cliff’s daughter, planned every beautiful detail of her “at-home” wedding and the family worked tirelessly to create a vintage garden celebration but .....
 “Every path hath its puddle.”
Ten minutes prior to the bridal procession, the skies opened up. But for the monsoons in the Philippines, I have rarely seen such a lengthy deluge! Umbrellas became parasol accessories for the bride and bridesmaids who gingerly traversed plywood to reach the tent where the marriage was blessed and the dancing commenced.

The way it was.....
Delighted Grandparents of the Bride
The adorable flower girl and ring bearer

The Parents of the Bride, Cliff and Robin
Nanny and Dan enjoy a dance!
My little brother David and Aunt Betty
Muddy Hems!
  The good news is that rainy photography is very romantic. 
The bad news was that Dan had to throw away his soggy dancing shoes! 

Mr and Mrs. Ben Davis

The bride and groom are living happily every after! 

On a beautiful May day at a family farm in central Virginia, 
my 2nd cousin, Kyle Peterson, married Ashley Wrenn  -

Summer followed with lots of festivities, fish and fun at the pool and on the Bay.

Our own little Princess!

On a full moon cat-cruise out to Smith Point Lighthouse

 Summer ended with a bang with the birth of Ian Daniel Hickey in Charlotte NC. It took less than a minute for him to win our hearts!

Nice job you two!

The Fall was filled with travel: first to N.C. to visit baby Ian (while there I even got a new, more road-trip-worthy car – Hyundai Sonata!) and to the Finucanes.
Two very happy grandmothers!

Zoe, Haleigh, Dan, Hank and Stephanie Finucane

Then it was on to Rochester to visit Dan’s family and my dear friend, Elaine. We stayed at one of our favorite B&B’s and spent a day looking at colorful houses and leaves while circumnavigating Canandaigua Lake. As always, we were spoiled by Dan’s sisters. For something new and different, all of the Hickey siblings and spouses went on a field trip to Rochester’s Artisan Works Gallery http://www.artisanworks.net/.
Dan's nephew Jason and his boys.


Dear lifelong friends

"We'll share him, just like everything else!" (Dan's twin sisters)

It so inspired us that, in December, Dan and I held our own gallery show/Christmas party using my enhanced photographs of friends as decorations/gifts. The empty room above the office was the perfect venue after Dan painstakingly installed picture rails.
In October my book club took a trip to the Brandywine Valley of Pa/Del and had lots of laughs because we were continually making u-turns and, despite GPS, getting lost! Eventually we enjoyed some wonderful sites, restaurants and fall foliage. For more details: http://bythebaybookclub.blogspot.com/2010/10/by-bay-book-club-visits-brandywine.html  
Nemours, home of Jesse Ball DuPont who grew up on the Northern Neck
Brandywine River Museum, home of the Wyeths

By the Bay Book Club @New Castle DE

Fall fishing season was pretty good, therefore, so was business. We held a successful rockfish tournamentthat provides college scholarship funds to local high school students - 
Carol Towne struggles with the winning fish!
Sittin' on the dock of the Bay....

  ..and, on a perfect fall day, volunteered at the Reedville Fishermen's Museum oyster roast fundraiser - (very ably chaired by our great friends Carol and Joanne)

They train oystermen early here!

Selling these flourescent t-shirts was thirsty work!
The BBBook Club girls were my best customers!

Though we worked hard, there were countless opportunities for dancing and singing (Dan and I even sang a duet at the Reedville Festival Chorale's Christmas concert...."Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland.") We watched a lot of foreign movies, read quite a few books and just generally enjoyed living  life with our friends, old and new, and family. We know from your letters that some of you have had equally blessed years, and we rejoice with you; but some have had much more difficult times recently – please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
As our Godson, Hank, recently prayed,“I hope the world gets better soon!”                        
May the God 
of Hope 
Fill You with
All Joy and Peace
As You Trust in HIM!

Romans 15:13
Love, Dan and Jeanne

1 comment:

  1. tu as du courage ! c'est très bien fait. mais je suis un peu embêtée (frustrée)de ne plus comprendre l'anglais, mais les photos, c'est un langage international.
